Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Facebook / Myspace

This is a subject I can get into! I have had a myspace account for about 2 years. It was so much fun decorating my page and adding all the fun things that twinkle and glitter and show off your personalilty. I have had fun checking it to see what my "peeps" are commenting on about me. I like looking at everybody's mood and what is making them happy or crappy at the moment.

Recently I got an email from my sister inviting me to join Facebook. I really didn't want open an account as I was enjoying myspace, though it had just about run its course to me and I was not logging on as I once had. Still, what are you going to do- it's family right? So, I opened an account and started taking a look around. I was lost as a goose, it was so foreign and different looking from myspace. I had a terrible time figuring it out. Eventually I got going on it and friends and family quickly started adding me to their lists. I have found about thirty cousins that I had really not had any contact with for most of my adult life and have had a blast reconnecting with all of them! I am now connected not only to my cousins but to their children also, and it is just wonderful.

Now that I have been on facebook for a few months, I love it more and more. I get so excited when I log on and see all my notifications that my family and friends have posted on my comments or theirs or others. It is very easy to upload video or pictures and depending on who is logged on at the time, the comments can come fast and furious- almost like instant messaging!

Facebook has opened up a line of communication with my family that I didn't know was possible. The bonus is, I didn't know my family was so darned funny. It is an amazing treat to learn about these people and their lives and daily routines.